Home > Sustainability
For decades > Grinding of our production waste and redistribution to third parties.
2015 > Replacement of our press cooling systems taken from the water table by two glycol-free air-cooled chillers.
2020 > Leak analysis on all our compressed air circuits and repairs.
Between 2012 & 2021 > Replacement of all four reciprocating compressors with variable speed equipment.
Between 2012 & 2021 > From 10% to 83% of electric presses, thus a reduction of 60% of the electric consumption on the presses and 30% on the whole transformation process.
2021 > Implementation of an energy monitoring system.
2021 > The bags dedicated to our products are bio-sourced.
2024 > Launch of recycled PMMA version for our standard AVIKA range.
2015 > Replacement of all the neon lights of the workshops working 24/7 by LED sources.
2022 > Replacement of all the neon lights in the offices operating 8 hours a day, 5 days a week with LED sources.
Since 2012 > Setting up a contract for the global management of waste with a specialized company.
In an effort to reduce our impact on the environment, discover our sustainability actions
carried out over the years in our offices and workshops. We realize them by
following the code of ethics established within our company since 2015.
Inherited from its history, these values give it a soul. They reflect a code of ethics that each of us must apply in our daily professional practices and in our internal and external relationships. This code of ethics represents GAGGIONE’s objective of embodying ethical behavior in a process of mutual respect both on and off premises, essential to the cohesion of our team in GAGGIONE’s sustainable commitment. It must serve as a guide for each of us, as a principle of individual accountability lever of collective responsibility.
It applies to all GAGGIONE employees.
Everyone must respect it and integrate it into their professional behavior.
This list is not exhaustive but constitutes all useful benchmarks for a sustainable growth of the company.
• We respect the Human rights in our relations with our employees and particularly against child labor, any form of forced labor and we promote freedom of association and representation.
• We ensure the development of everyone by respecting freedom of expression and the privacy of individuals, excluding all forms of discrimination and harassment.
• We make sure that each employee works in a safe environment, and it is up to each individual to follow the safety guidelines. In this context, each employee contributes to their commitment at their level and in accomplishing their assignments in terms of respect for these fundamental human rights.
• We take the environmental dimension into account in our designs and manufacturing processes by reducing the impact on the environment as much as possible. To this end, each employee strives to implement measures which promote environmental protection, especially by avoiding any form of waste of energy or natural resources, by limiting the impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, and waste. In their area of work, they also contribute to the implementation and use of safe, environmentally friendly processes and products.
• We comply with laws and regulations by prohibiting any practice of unfair competition, corruption or insider trading contrary to laws and regulations in the best interests of GAGGIONE and the common good. Everyone must ensure that they carry out their assignments in accordance with the law and with complete integrity.
• We ensure the protection of its assets by refraining from any action that could be harmful to the preservation of current and future properties.
• Thus, each employee, being a representative of GAGGIONE and its brands, refrains from any act of denigrating the company itself, its strategy,managers and/or products.
• Each employee, both internally and externally, must not disclose any confidential information which he may have become aware of within GAGGIONE. He/she must avoid any situation of conflict between the interests of GAGGIONE and any personal interest or that of his relatives. He/she will use the means made available by GAGGIONE for professional purposes only.
• We respect our stakeholders (consumers, customers, suppliers, partners, etc…), by guaranteeing the quality of products and the transparency of our commitments in order to promote balanced relationships based on exchange and dialogue. Each employee, in conjunction with stakeholders, neither discloses nor uses confidential information given to them and is sincere in the information he/she provides them. In addition, it makes them aware of the principles contained in this Code of Ethics.
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3, rue de la Rolland
Tel. : + 33 (0)4 74 76 12 66