LES Size : 8mm² max without dome / 4mm² max with dome
Type of LED : High Power, Cluster High Power, Mid Power, Cluster Chip Scale Package, Chip Scale Package.
The design of high-performance color mixing optics has been part of GAGGIONE’s DNA for years. We are now introducing an innovative 45 mm optical range to meet the most demanding applications of colour mixing or tunable white. All the eleven versions are based on the patented color mixing technology we have developed for high-end stage lighting, entertainment and custom architectural lighting solutions.
Our head optical engineer has even created a color consistency index to scientifically quantify the quality of a color mix.
Zoom on new versions : This “no sprue” version was created to simplify your integration process. We’ve also designed for you a new ultra intensive narrow beam version, LLC59R and new narrow beam versions with better stray light behavior, the LLC59RF and LLC59NF. New versions provide improved optical behavior and are 100% mechanically compatible with existing versions. Moreover, all our existing holders are compatible with the new versions without any mechanical modification.
No pins, reduced PCB footprint
All these set are with adhesive
*Set with adhesive
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